CURAIZON - Improving Health, Reducing Costs, Saving lives!

Hello all community greetings.
if you are interested in joining the CURAIZON project, it's a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission, because it's important to understand accuracy in the reviews so you don't hesitate in investing.
therefore I invite you to see the CURAIZON project and let's look at the CURAIZON review below.

We’re solving an enormous real-world problem by helping patients take their medications properly

  • Every day, millions of people fail to take their medications as prescribed and the resulting personal and financial costs are staggering. Worldwide, non-adherence results in $700 billion in avoidable medical costs.
  • Every time a patient uses our CuraServe technology, our data grows in utility and value
  • CuraTokens™ are the only way to access our data. Tokens can be redeemed to access the data, which will advance medical research, drive down healthcare costs and save lives
  • The data we create is unique and has enormous value to pharmaceutical companies, researchers and governments.
  • Curaizon™ solves drug non-adherence problem by deploying our technology through national health services. As part of our solution, we collect fully anonymized data about how and when patients take medications.
  • The value of a CuraToken™ is based on a real solution to a real problem.

Legal Disclaimer
Disclaimer of liability. The informaton in this Pager is provided for informaton purposes only. It is not
exhaustve and doesn’t imply any elements of a contractual relatonship or obligatons. CTKN tokens are not
and will not be intended to consttute securites, digital currency, commodity, or any other kind of fnancial
instrument. You don’t have the right to buy CTKN tokens if you are a citzen or a resident (tax or otherwise)
of the United States of America, or any other possessions of the United States of America, People’s Republic
of China, or South Korea, or a citzen or resident (tax or otherwise) of any country or territory where
transactons with digital tokens and/or digital currencies are prohibited or in any other manner restricted
by applicable laws. Please read carefully, secton “Disclaimer of Liability” in Curaizon White Paper located at

Medicines are our most cost‐efectve health interventon and represent the frst line of defense against chronic and long‐term conditons. Unfortunately, far too many people fail to take their medicatons properly and the resultng personal and fnancial costs are staggering. Despite a worldwide recogniton of the seriousness of the issue (also called drug non‐adherence), there has been no signifcant change for the last 30 years

  • Worldwide drug non‐adherence results in approximately $700 billion in additonal healthcare costs.
  • Pharmaceutcal companies lose more than $630 billion in revenue annually to patent non‐adherence and the amount lost is increasing by 13% per year.
CuraServe™ is a complete healthcare ecosystem that improves drug adherence and brings game‐changing benefts to patents and healthcare providers. We use a series of outreach tools and messages, supported by predictve modeling and behavioral analytcs, to increase the rate of drug adherence. As our CuraServe™ soluton helps patents, it’s also generatng a vast amount of patent data. That data is then anonymized and made available through CuraData™. The only way that pharmaceutcal companies, academics and researchers can access this data by purchasing CuraTokens™.

Our data is the frst‐of‐its‐kind insight into real‐tme patent behavior and adherence. CuraData™ will fnally give the health and pharmaceutcal industries the tools they have been looking for to bring about the change patents need. Our value‐based approach to a simple, accessible, yet valuable exchange of data and analysis will revolutonize healthcare. 

Healthcare is changing forever and CuraServe™ stands at the cutng edge of this transformaton. Curaizon™ is the UK‐based company that has developed CuraServe™

what curaizon ?
the video below will give you more eruditions about Curaizon platforms.

Curaizon™ Ecosystem


The total number of potental users of our platorm include all of the patents covered by natonal health services across the world. This is a total of 1.4 Billion patents and growing. 
Societal Benefts
• Beter Lives 
• Beter Research 
• Beter Healthcare 
• Money Saved

Token Overview 
CuraToken™ (CTKN) is an EIP‐20 Ethereum‐based utlity token which can be used to access medical adherence data via Curaizon’s™ CuraData™ platorm.

 CuraToken Pre-Sale: June 1, 2018 - June 8, 2018 
CuraToken Public Sale: June 8 2018 – September 8, 2018


For more information pleace visit official page:

Telegram username: @Brangos
Author: brang0s


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